Excitement buzzes in the crowd as the first dancers take the stage, each class and company shows off their ever improving skills to a hooked crowd. It’s time again for the Fall Dance Showcase. This year over 300 students performed this year including the new Dance for Athletes program which allows students who are involved in other sports to learn about dance. Alyssa Paramski, assistant director of the Dance Department, assists her students for months leading up to the show.
“As dance teachers we work with dance aides to pick songs and choreography,” Paramski said. “All dance classes perform with soloists, duets, and trios.”
With the teachers’ help student aids are able to curate original dances each year to keep the crowd engaged and allow the department to not use recycled material from previous years.
“All classes perform both nights and the soloists are different each night,” Paramski said. “All the dances are new each year.”
Many students have been in the dance department for years. Senior ShaeLi Fielding who is part of the Hip Hop Company for Silver Stars looks forward to the show.
“The show is geared towards bringing recognition to our dance department,” Fielding said. “We recognize Silver Star, solos, duets or trios and their small ensembles.”
In order to fit the number of students performing, the show features 25 numbers varying in size, style and skill.
“A lot of the pieces are self choreographed by the students,” Fielding said. “I love seeing what they bring together.”
For many dancers the show exhibits parts of the program that aren’t often shown to students and family members.
“I’m excited for family and friends to see the Dance department,” Fielding said. “Especially the companies, which don’t get as much recognition.”
Many Dancers feel Showcases are the companies time to shine as the department is mostly attributed to the Silver Stars dance team which perform at Pep rallies and football games.
“It’s very just like Silver Stars; it can be easy to forget that we have a dance department outside of that because you never see it.” Fielding said.

The companies are more specific and rigorous programs within the Silver Stars, including a Hip Hop and Jazz company.
“It’s a more advanced and time consuming commitment,” Fielding said. “Each company has one dance they perform at the Fall Showcase.”
Every dancer will perform in at least one number, some students who are in various classes will perform in many. Junior Nya Loo who dances in the Jazz company where she is a student aide performed in multiple numbers in the Showcase.
“I dance with the Jazz company and Silver Stars,” Loo said. “I was in three dances but watching other people perform will always be my favorite part of the Showcase.” During the time leading up to performances like this one dancers commit considerable amounts of time to daily practices and rehearsals.
“Usually we spend around like, two, three hours every day practicing,” Loo said. “Some days we have practice from 7:00AM to 10:00 AM”
The dancers are not only practicing these numbers for the Showcase but to take to competition in the coming months, meaning the stringent practices won’t stop after the show.
“Things definitely get more fast paced,” Fielding said. “But these are pieces we’ll be working on for a while.”
While most classes are working in and outside of the class the Dance for Athletes program approached the Showcase with a more laid back style. Senior Derrick Neptune kept dancing in dance class.
“I don’t think I ever practiced outside of class,” Neptune said. “The only time we practiced was during our class period.”
The athletes performed in one number for the Showcase which was choreographed for them by a student aid, this number features all of the student athletes in the class.
“It was fun to see the audience’s reaction to our dance,” Neptune said. “And to watch it back after and get a good laugh.”
Although it might seem nerve racking to some, many dancers look forward to performing in front of a crowd and showing off the dances they’ve worked so hard on.
“For me, I love performing in front of the crowd,” Loo said. “I like seeing the audience understand the dance as we perform.”
For others the excitement is in watching their peers in different classes perform.
“Seeing other people shine on stage is a huge part of it too,” Loo said. “I think it’s so exciting to see others enjoying themselves on stage.”
This year each class got to take the stage and show off their hard work, soloists got a moment in the spotlight, and dance for athletes allowed many students a brand new experience.
“They spend a month preparing and it’s nice to see them excited to perform,” Paramski said.