Star goalie reflects on soccer career

Senior Izzy Detrich reflects on her years playing soccer

Photo courtesy of Izzy Detrich

ON THE FIELD: Senior Izzy Detrich commands the Lady Dawg defense with her leadership skills.

Cooper Ceniceros-Fike, Staff Writer

A soccer ball whirls towards her, hands flying up as she dives towards the ball on a game-determining point, catching it mid-air. For senior Izzy Detrich, this was a defining moment in her high school soccer career as star goalie.

Detrich started playing soccer at five years old and she has practiced as the goalie for her teams for nearly 10 years.

“I became a goalkeeper when I was eight years old,” Detrich said. “ My dad was the main coach for the position once I began rec soccer. I randomly volunteered to do it and it stuck with me ever since.”

Detrich is a multi-sport athlete, also playing volleyball. Soccer consumes her time with club soccer starting in Fall and Spring while high school soccer practices in the Fall and beginning in early Spring.

“I quit playing club soccer to focus on volleyball in my freshman year of high school,” Detrich said. “I wanted to keep playing through high school because I would be playing with my best friends. I believed that it would be good to finish out my last season playing with the girls who I met through soccer when I was young.”

While the sport means a lot to her, Detrich explains why she made the decision to quit club soccer.

“Club soccer schedule was stressful with having practices multiple times a week,” Detrich said. “I enjoy playing high school soccer because of how more laid back it is than club.”

This season is Detrich’s third season playing Varsity soccer and her last year playing as she is moving on to graduate.

“My senior year is the third year playing on Varsity and it does feel bittersweet,” Detrich said. “This will be my last go-around playing this sport. We have such a fun group of girls on the team this year and it has been a fun ride.”

Detrich reminisces on the highs of her final senior season against an opponent she knows is challenging.

“My highlight of the season was the match against Dripping Springs,” Detrich said. They are a new team to our district and won the state championship last year. It was exciting to play them for the first time and even though we had lost, it was a fun game for me and we held up pretty well against them.”

Detrichs teammates speak highly of her on and off the field. Junior Marley Cantu has been playing with Detrich since elementary school. Cantu reflects on what Detrich does for this team.

“Izzy and I have been on each other’s team since elementary school,” Cantu said. “The whole team counts on Izzy to be 100% each game.”

Detrich was appointed to be of the captains of the soccer team this year. Cantu reflects on why she knows she is a strong captain for this team.

“Izzy acts and leads as the captain,” Cantu said. “ On the field, she positively leads and communicates, and off the field she’s one of my best friends. She cares about her teammates and looks out for us.

Coach Carrie Hoffman-Howell has watched Detrich grow up in front of her eyes for the last four years.

“I immediately knew that she knew what she was doing and had the talent for the goalie position,” Hoffman-Howell said. “I had a feeling that she was going to be one of the Varsity keepers and has been since her sophomore year.”

Hoffman-Howell was a goalkeeper herself when she played and has always noticed things that separated Detrich from the rest.

“She has a strong work ethic and listens where she wants to be better,” Hoffman-Howell said. “She always has had a great vision which is needed for the goalkeeper position and as she’s matured, she hasn’t been afraid to direct traffic in the box. 

Hoffman-Howell has been coaching Detrich since freshman year, during that time she has seen Detrich mature.

“She has been a double sport athlete and that wear and tear on her body has been a lot,” Hoffman-Howell said. “ As she’s matured she’s realized she needed time to take care of her body by going to the training room to get the proper treatment. I like that she is responsible and knows to take care of that activity on her own.”

For Detrich, soccer has also had an impact on many life lessons that she has learned on the field.

“Something I have taken away from my soccer career is how to be a leader for the team as well as becoming mentally tough,” Detrich said. “These skills are important because I can apply these skills to my daily life and future.”