Band celebrates with Trunk or Treat event
CELEBRATING WITH THE BAND: Band student’s parents set up the trunk of their car with decorations that correspond with their “Greece” inspired costumes. While this band tradition is adored by many students, parents also love joining in on the fun by bringing drinks and candy for the band students to enjoy.
November 28, 2022
All Hallows Eve the Bowie band takes part in another intense rehearsal for their marching season, practices can be intense during this time of the year, but when practice ends the band fond themselves in a trick or treat twist known as Trunk or Treat.
Trunk or Treat has been a part of Bowie Band traditions for many years, and traces back to before all of the current band staff started working at Bowie. It acts as a sort of surrogate Halloween for the band students who spend the night rehearsing. Parents join the students to help set up the event and also decorate their own cars with colorful lights, scary decorations, and some even play spooky Halloween songs.
“Trunk or Treat is an annual tradition,” Bowie Band director Tyler Jacks said. “The band parents bring candy and food and park near the rehearsal field and decorate their trunks with Halloween decorations.”
Trunk or Treat is one of the many Bowie band traditions and social events that happen throughout the year. Band also goes on several trips throughout the year for competitions throughout Texas and beyond.
“The band participates in Trunk or Treat every year because it’s a fun, social activity,” Jacks said. “We always try to balance the intensity of rehearsals with social activities.”
The tradition is renowned by students and Band directors alike for being a unique insight into the creativity and individuality of students. Trunk or Treat is not a Bowie-only tradition and has been known to be practiced in many high schools across the U.S.
“I think my favorite thing about Trunk or Treat that is unique to that event is getting to see the students’ creative expression come through,” Jacks said.
Junior and Bowie band member Odin Lowe has been a part of the band since freshman year and has participated in many of the band’s traditions including Trunk or Treat.
“It provides a time for the band to kind of express themselves through the light costumes and it brings the band together,” Lowe said.
Even people in band who have never been a part of these traditions or been a band member, regard them as an instant welcome into the program.
“It’s just like one really big community,” Goris said. “Just like one big happy family, it is really integrated.”
Students have free reign on Halloween attire, some choose to dress in group costumes or a duo. Freshman band member Aubrie Goris has ideas for her future years in the bowie band.
“It would be fun if we all did characters from a movie,” Goris said. “Like a group costume where we’re all different characters.”
Others dress independently and the true creativity really shows from simple and fun costumes to abstract and intricate costumes that students plan for months.
“Last year, I dressed up for the 2021 World Series, putting on an Astros hat and a Braves hat,” Lowe said. “I told people the scores as they happened because the world series was that night.”
Trunk or Treat creates a very special environment for the students as they are able to let go and fully express themselves in a time of high stress. This tradition ranks high amongst the long list of Bowie band traditions for students.
“The Bowie band has a lot of traditions that are very different,” Goris said. “October for us is band-tober, there’s a lot of pride within the band.”
Even with all the trips and other beloved traditions that Bowie band does, Trunk or Treat remains a favorite as it gives every one a chance to relax.
“ I love Trunk or Treat. It is one of my favorite traditions that we do as a band,” Lowe said. “I love all the goofy antics caused by the costumes and the candy.”
Correspondingly, band directors find Trunk or Treat is a time for students to blow off steam in a time of high stress for band members. Since this event takes place in the middle of band competition season and football season, it gives a chance for students to relax and focus on having fun with their friends and families.
“It’s always fun to see the things that they come up with and getting to see some students’ personalities come through in a different way,” Jacks said
Trunk or Treat is a tradition that each and every band member can enjoy with directors, seniors, and new band members alike, and has become a staple for every band kids Halloween celebration.
“As directors, we all enjoy Trunk or Treat just like the students do,” Jacks said. “Trunk or Treat is really a one-of-a-kind experience, we don’t do anything else like it.”