Class of 2022 Who’s Who Honorees
May 26, 2022
As the 2022 school year comes to an end, seniors get the chance to be recognized for their contributions and the impact they have made on our campus during their high school careers. Who’s Who is an annual award presented to seniors to honor their involvement and contribution to the Bowie campus.
The nominees of the award are recommended by staff members, then are voted upon by a committee to end on a total of 24 senior honorees each year. Who’s Who honorees have their portrait hung in the library, as well as receive a plaque.
“All of our students are amazing, but this award is the only one that takes into account all of your teachers from all four years, who teachers nominate you, teachers vote on you,” history teacher Carlen Floyd said. “This is the one thing that we do that is not based on your GPA. This is not based on any single effort and achievement. It is holistic. You don’t have to be brilliant. You have to make us proud.”
After each staff member has nominated five students, the nominated students have to submit an application consisting of a resume and an essay. After the applications have been submitted, the entries are reviewed by a committee of previous Teachers of the Year and department heads. Then, the members of the Who’s Who committee cast votes supporting twenty-four different seniors who are the Honorees for that year.
“I was really surprised and honored that I was selected for Who’s Who, as there are so many great individuals that have really made Bowie a better place,” Leah Gonsalves said. “I couldn’t have done it without all the support I have gotten at Bowie, especially the amazing teachers that have really inspired me throughout my time at Bowie.”
In order to surprise the student, honorees were invited to a FIT session described as “Robison’s round table” to discuss senior topics such as graduation and senior breakfasts. When they arrived at the College and Career Center, they were greeted with cupcakes and a celebration.
“A friend of mine informed me that in previous years the winners of the Who’s Who Award had been announced in a similar way,” Mia Bresfold said. “I wasn’t totally convinced but when I walked into the College & Career Center at the back of the library on Wednesday and saw the cupcakes, juice boxes, and hidden picture frames, the detective side of me knew something was up. When the teachers announced the real reason we were gathered here, I was so overwhelmed with joy. This has been a goal of mine since the very beginning of my time at Bowie.”
Being awarded as a Who’s Who is an honor that all underclassmen should strive for to be recognized as one of the most notable and distinguished students in their class.
“It’s hard to see the positive impact you’re making when you’re actually leading/making the impact, but it’s things like this afterward that can really tell you,” Kylee Dinwiddle said. “It feels so humbling.”
In the following segment, you will be able to read a short feature on each of the Who’s Who Honorees for the class of 2022.
Edward Alonzi

Who’s who Honoree Edward Alonzi is the president of the National Honor Society, a PAL, a varsity soccer player, a Spanish Honor Society member, a four-time trustee’s award recipient, and a previous cross country member.
“It’s really an honor to be a Who’s Who honoree,” Alonzi said. “Obviously the goal throughout my four years here at Bowie was to grow as a person and try to make the lives of everyone around me a little bit better. However, to be recognized by the school for something like Who’s Who is a really exciting affirmation that I’ve accomplished some of my goals and made a difference to others in some form.”
After graduation, Alonzi will continue his education and soccer career at the University of West Florida. He will be majoring in sports management.
“I’d like to thank all of my friends and teachers throughout the years, whether we’re still in touch or not,” Alonzi said. “Everyone’s made some kind of impact on me and helped shape me into the person I am today.”
Malaika Beg

Who’s who Honoree Malaika Beg is the president and founder of Amnesty International, Vice President of the Multicultural Acceptance Club, PALs, and involved with the National Honor Society and Choir.
“My ultimate favorite memory of high school has got to be the Amnesty International Clubs Write for Rights event we hosted my sophomore year,” Beg said. “It was our first major event as a club and I remember we had members from Amnesty’s Austin chapter join us and Tony Goodwin, a senior organizer for Amnesty International come to our campus! This event was such an amazing experience for me because it was the first time I felt like we were making a change.”
After graduation, Beg will be continuing her education at the University of Texas, Austin. She will be majoring in Health and Society.
“I would like to thank Mr.Flick who was the catalyst for me finding my voice at Bowie and helping me call this place home and Mr.Garcia for always pushing me to become the best version of myself,” Beg said. “ I can always rely on him for extra water bottles and the most thoughtful and genuine advice. Next, I want to thank Ms.Davis, Ms. Flick, Ms.Shewmake, and Mr. Stampley for always making me laugh and being a welcoming and comforting face in the hallways! These teachers have become like friends to me and make Bowie feel like a family.”
Mia Brelsford

Who’s who Honoree Mia Brelsford is the president of Fellowship of Christians Athletes, the Lone Star Yearbook Content Editor, Cheer Manager, a PAL, and Bowie Buddy.
“To me, great leaders are born from a change in perspective from one of the selfish ambitions to one of the ambitious goals reached through humble stature,” Brelsford said. “Those leaders radiate positivity and create communities of inclusivity, building up those around them and serving others. In my mind, the Who’s Who Award is the highest honor one could receive at Bowie, and to think that I am one of those people who embody that leadership and role model status is just such an amazing privilege.”
During her first week of Freshman year, Mr.Flick took Bersfold’s English class to the library to look at the photos of the Who’s Who winners of the previous years. Flick motivated her class to aspire to follow in their footsteps as students who positively impacted Bowie.
“I would first like to thank Mr. Flick, who initially motivated me to set my goals high,” Brelsford said. “I would also like to thank Ms. Davis, the best AP Biology teacher anyone could ask for! She embodies what it means to be a positive role model and an encouraging helper.”
Camilla Cooper

Who’s Who Honoree Camilla Cooper is involved in the Student Leadership class, PALS, Student Council, the Amnesty International Secretary, an officer of the Starlight Theater Company, and a member of the National Honor Society.
“Being a Who’s Who Honoree makes me super grateful and is such a cool moment for me,” Cooper said. “When I was a freshman, I had so many senior friends earn a Whos Who award and I wanted so badly to join them. I feel like my younger self would be super proud.”
After graduation, Cooper will be attending the University of Texas at Austin and majoring in Anthropology and double minoring in International Business and Foreign Affairs.
“Overall, I really liked high school,” Cooper said. “It goes by so fast so my biggest high school advice is to take everything one step at a time and be present in all things you do because it’s over way faster than you’d think.”
Maya Cottam

Who’s Who Honoree Maya Cottam is a four-year member and senior captain of the Bowie volleyball team, varsity track, varsity lacrosse team, National Honor Society, anatomy club, and astronomy club.
“I’m so honored to be named as a Bowie Who’s Who,” Cottam said. “I’ve made it my goal to get this award ever since I first heard about it in 7th grade, and I’m so grateful that my hard work and efforts at Bowie were recognized.”
Cottam is a four-year recipient of the Bowie Trustee award. After graduation, Cottam is attending Utah State University on a full-ride scholarship to study Landscape Architecture and minor in Native American Studies.
“My teachers have been an immense support system throughout high school, and I’m very thankful for all of the work they put into the lessons and the investment they put in their students,” Cottam said. “Through them, I feel as though I was provided a fantastic educational foundation to build upon.”
McKenna Couch

Who’s Who Honoree McKenna Couch is a Starlight theater company officer and senior director, student leadership member, National Honor Society member, and Amnesty international member.
“It feels really cool to win Who’s Who,” Couch said. “ I remember hearing about this my freshman year and wanting to be one, so it feels crazy that I’ve gotten to that point. It’s a very big honor.”
After graduation, Couch will be attending Emerson College and majoring in Communication Studies.
“My favorite high school memory was playing Doralee in this year’s musical,” Couch said. “It was a dream of mine and it’s something I’ll treasure forever.”
Kylee Dinwiddie

Who’s Who honoree Kylee Dinwiddie is a PAL, National Honor Society member, Spanish Honor Society member, varsity Swim Team Captain, and Student Council member. She is a four-year trustee’s recipient for being in the top 10 percent of her class, a four-year recipient of the athletic scholar award for holding a straight-A average while being an athlete, and a four-year all-district athlete for the swim team.
“I feel grateful to have had the roles I did at Bowie, and even more grateful to be recognized for it,” Dinwiddie said. “ It’s really not about the recognition though, this is just kinda the validation for me that I made my impact. I’m all about having a purpose with my life, so this makes me feel so purposeful and so fulfilled.”
After graduation, Dinwiddie will attend Texas A&M University and major in Biomedical Sciences as an aspiring Nurse Practitioner.
“I’d like to thank Mr. Garcia,” Dinwiddie said. “He’s the one that really got me out of my shell my junior year when I was accepted into PALS. Before getting accepted into that program, I was quiet in class. I just wanted to get good grades, be kind, and graduate and go to Texas A&M. But it was Mr. G taking a chance on me the junior year that got me into the PALS program. Through that program, I grew immensely.”
Madeline Dunn

Who’s Who honoree Madeleine Dunn is a member of the swim team, National Honor Society member, and French Honor Society, officer.
“I thought the surprise announcement was a fun way to announce the Who’s Who,” Dunn said. “I was really confused why I was added to a FIT session but after talking to some others and noticing that there were 24 people in the session we figured out that it was for Who’s Who.”
After graduation, Dunn will be attending Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts. She will be majoring in cognitive and brain sciences on the pre-med track and will be on the swim team.
“I am so honored to be a Who’s Who Honoree,” Dunn said. “I am somewhat surprised I got it but I am so grateful to have received this honor. I would like to thank all of my teachers, coaches, and friends for helping me throughout my four years at Bowie. They have made my time at Bowie so much fun.”
Matthew Elam

Who’s Who honoree Matthew Elam is a member of SOAR, Bowie Buddies, Dungeons and Dragons Club, National Honor Society, and Key Club International.
“I was surprised by the announcement because the session got advertised as a graduation planning FIT,” Elam said. “However, I knew the other people in the room with me had applied for Who’s Who, so I had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be a graduation planning session.”
After graduation, Elam will be going to Austin Community College for two years and obtain an associate’s degree in Biotechnology. After community college, Elam plans to attend a college to get a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology.
“I have to thank Ms. Skola for guiding me through middle school,” Elam said. “Mr. Nourse is an excellent teacher, allowing me to show my true potential and advocating for students to be creative. I’m thankful for the custodians and workers who keep the school safe and clean, as they do their best to make sure our learning environment is sanitary and tolerable. I thank my best friend, Daniel Scarnato, for being awesome. Finally, I would like to thank my initial high school friends, Ansel, Chris, Brady, and Kyle, for our fun conversations over the years.”
Leah Gonsalves

Who’s Who honoree Leah Gonsalves is a member of the Band, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, and a Vice President of the Student Council for two years.
“I would especially like to thank Ms. Stiles, Ms. Floyd, Mr. Flick, and Ms. Keyes,” Gonsalves said. “I cannot forget my amazing band directors Mr. Gundersen and Ms. Hanford for supporting me and instilling hard work, discipline, and meaningful connections through the Band program.”
After graduation, Gonsalves will be attending Texas State to study Political Science and Communications and hopes to use her abilities as a connector to make a difference.
“My favorite memory at Bowie is coming back to school after the pandemic,” Gonsalves said. “Everyone was so excited to see each other, and it was so great seeing everyone reconnect. I’d like to say how honored I am to have been selected, and I am grateful to all the people at Bowie that have inspired me.”
Grace Gum

Who’s Who honoree Grace Gum is a member of the Bowie Symphony Orchestra, National Honor Society, Tru-Music Society, Amnesty International Club, Russian Language Club, the Cross Country team, the Starlight Theater Company Pit Orchestra, and the principal violist of the Orchestra.
“My greatest accomplishment in high school was becoming the third musician in Bowie’s 34-year history to win a spot in a TMEA All-State ensemble four times,” Gum said. “In addition, I have made All-Region Orchestra all four years of high school and am a TMEA Texas Music Scholar.”
After graduation, Gum will be attending the University of Texas, Austin, majoring in linguistics with the hopes of eventually becoming a speech-language pathologist.
“Though I am extremely thankful for every teacher I’ve had at Bowie, I am especially indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Flick for making me laugh, helping me work through tough moments, and always encouraging me, and to my orchestra director Mr. Smith for the tremendous work he’s done for the Bowie Orchestra,” Gum said.
Anna Holme

Who’s Who honoree Anna Holme a member of Student Leadership, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Key club, Editor in Chief of the Dispatch, a PAL, and Vice President of the Amnesty International Club.
“I am incredibly grateful to be chosen as a Who’s Who Honoree,” Holme said. “Over the past four years, I have tried my very best to involve myself within the Bowie community and to actively participate in all the opportunities offered here. Receiving this recognition from Bowie’s faculty for those efforts is beyond amazing. I could not be more honored.”
After graduation, Holme will be attending the University of Texas at Austin and majoring in Environmental Sciences.
“I would like to thank each and every one of my teachers I’ve had at Bowie for being such incredible and stand-out educators,” Holme said. “They have all sparked my love for learning and allowed me to foster so much growth within myself over the past four years. I’d also like to thank all of my friends for supporting and encouraging me through thick in thin. I could not be more grateful.”
Lizzie Jensen

Who’s Who honoree Lizzie Jensen is the Editor-in-Chief of the Bowie Lone Star Yearbook, involved with the Texas Youth and Government and a member of the National Honor Society and the French Honor Society.
“I was actually surprised I truly did not expect to win. I was really confused when I got to the meeting, but once I started seeing all the teachers in the room and noticing how many students were there I realized it was who’s who,” Jensen said. “It feels really rewarding to be a Whos Who honoree because I have worked so hard these last 4 years and it is really nice to be recognized for that.”
After graduation, Jensen will be attending George Washington University in Washington, DC. She will be studying International Affairs at the Elliott School of International Affairs.
“I would really like to thank Ms. Shirack because she has been with me all 4 years of high school and supported me as I have learned and grown in my abilities and skills as a student and a leader,” Jensen said. “Ms. Shirack has taught me resilience, hard work, and collaboration and without her guiding me I feel that I would not be the accomplished student that I am now.”
Aussie Lura

Who’s Who honoree Aussie Lura is the Vice President and a Senior Director of the Starlight Theater Company for all of high school. They have also been a member of the National Honor Society, Principal Panel, SAGA, and a Managing Editor of the Literary Magazine this year.
“What makes me feel good about being a Who’s Who Honoree is that Who’s Who is decided entirely by the teachers at Bowie,” Lura said. “I’m glad I made a good impression on them because I appreciate some of my teachers an amount that I can’t put into words.”
After graduation, Lura will be attending the University of Texas at Arlington and will be majoring in Animation/Gaming.
“I would like to thank Ms. Rolfe first and foremost, for being an incredible mentor and friend to me for the past two years,” Lura said. “I would also like to thank Mr. Pfeiffer for the most fun and engaging English class I’ve had at Bowie. I will take my love of literature from that class with me throughout life. I’d like to thank Ms. Le Jeune for being an incredibly understanding and easy-going Art teacher, and Mrs. Stiles for somehow sticking through teaching me math.”
Brody Miller

Who’s Who honoree Brody Miller has been on the football and baseball teams all four years of high school. He is also a member of the National Honor Society.
“I found the surprise announcement of the Who’s Who’s Honoree to be a fun way to break the news,” Miller said. “I had completely forgotten about who’s who until they were revealed in the meeting.”
He has won both academic awards and athletic awards in his four years at Bowie like the Trustees Award and being first-team All-District for football.
“ I feel honored to be a who’s who Honoree,” Miller said. “It is a legacy tradition since my dad was also a who’s who Honoree during his time at Bowie. It’s cool to be able to share that same experience with him.”
Vanessa Nguyen

Who’s Who honoree Vanessa Nguyen is the co-founder of the Asian American & Ally Club, co-President of Student Council, a reference editor for the Lone Star Yearbook, a Pal, and a member of Student Leadership, National Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society.
“As a who’s who’s honoree, I feel fulfilled that a lot of my hard work throughout high school has been recognized,” Nguyen said. “I also remember when I was an underclassman, I wanted to be in the outstanding room and wanted to work hard to be in it. To me it feels like my high school goals came full circle.”
After graduation, Nguyen will continue his education at the University of Texas, Austin and will be majoring in business and minoring in computer science.
“I would like to thank Mr. Garcia, Ms. Uzzle, Ms. Shirack, for setting me up for success and being extremely helpful throughout the extracurriculars I have been involved in at Bowie,” Nguyen said. “All my senior teachers this year (Ms. Flick, Ms. Stiles, Ms. Davis, Ms. Walsh and Ms. Conroy) for making my senior year fun and memorable! Lastly, I want to thank all my friends and family for being supportive throughout my high school career!”
Danny Rodriguez

Who’s Who Honoree Danny Rodriguez participated in Bowie Varsity Football and Bowie Varsity baseball and was a member of the National Honor Society and the Multicultural Club.
“It feels like a great honor to be honest knowing that the staff choose you as someone who made a mark on Bowie,” Rodriguez said.
After graduation, Rodriquez will be continuing his education and baseball career at St. Edward’s University. He will be majoring in communications.
“I would like to thank the coaches Degelia and Velasquez and my teachers throughout the years specially Uzzle, Floyd, and Whittington,” Rodriquez said.
Fiona Rubiano

Who’s Who Honoree Fiona Rubiano was president of Orchestra, co-president of the Hydroponics Club, and involved in theater, cross country, piano, and National Honor Society.
“I believe that teachers deserve a great deal more respect than they’re given and I hope winning this award is a reciprocation from the teachers who nominated me that I treated my teachers with kindness and respect, as they all did to me,” Rubiano said. “With this award, I believe my kindness was recognized and paid forward with this award.”
After graduation, Rubiano will be continuing her education at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and majoring in Biological Sciences and Music Composition.
“I would like to thank every math and science department teacher I’ve ever had,” Rubiano said. “They have fostered my curiosity and molded me into a more resilient person. I would also like to thank Mr. Cantu for the four years we have worked together and for rekindling my joy in playing the piano. Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Stampley for always letting me and my friends eat lunch in his room, telling us hilarious stories, and for making history class more than a lecture.”
Arushi Sharma

Who’s Who Honoree Arushi Sharma is the president of Key Club International and Spanish Honor Society, Editor-in-Chief of the Dispatch, the founder of the Bowie STEM and Computer Science club, captain of the Varsity Girls Golf team, Vice President of Amnesty International, and member of National Honor Society, SOAR, and Principal Panel.
“I feel so truly honored to be Who’s Who Honoree this year,” Sharma said. “I remember in freshman year when seniors I looked up to received the award and I saw their picture hanging in the library, and I thought they were so amazing. Now to be in the position they were, I can’t even believe it.”
After graduation, Sharma will be continuing her education at the University of Texas, Austin. She will be majoring in Computer Science.
“I would like to thank everyone at Bowie- students, teachers, staff, and administrators for making learning an enjoyable and engaging experience,” Sharma said. “I will be forever grateful to all of the incredible teachers I have had the honor of learning from at Bowie, and the constant encouragement and support they have shown me.”
Mackay Strong

Who’s Who Honoree Mackay Strong is the captain of varsity cross country and track, and a member of National Honor Society, disc golf, ultimate frisbee, ping pong, chess, and sand volleyball clubs.
“I feel honored to have made an impact on this school large enough to be recognized with this award. I am grateful for my peers and teachers who have molded me into the person I am today,” Strong said.
After graduation, Strong will be continuing his education at Brigham Young University. He will be majoring in biology.
“I’d like to recognize a few people that I will remember for life: the cafeteria staff (happy greetings and food to push me through my days), Ms. Wiedmeyer, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Wiesmiller, Cristian Vockell, Ben Thollander, Maya Cottam, and Cooper Hilton,” Strong said.
Trinity Thompson

Who’s Who Honoree is the president of the Multicultural Awareness Club in my high school, a PALS, and an officer in my local Business professionals of America chapter. She is also a member of the National Honor Society, NSHSS, Amnesty International, SOAR, and Student Council.
“My favorite high school memory is Culture Day in freshman year,” Thompson said. “Culture Day is basically a day where students get to share food and customs within their culture during school. I was able to experience so many different cultural backgrounds through that event and I really enjoyed learning about other cultures in a fun and interesting way.”
After graduation, Thompson will be continuing her education at the University of Texas Austin. She will be majoring in Business.
“I would like to thank all of my teachers and sponsors of the activities that I am involved in,” Thompson said. “I am very grateful for them and I admire their perseverance during Covid-19 and other hard times. Bowie teachers are truly the best you could ever ask for and I am truly grateful for every teacher/administrator at Bowie.”
Brodi Tokar

Who’s Who honoree Brodi Tokar is the captain of the Varsity Boys Soccer team, a PAL, and a member of Key Club, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Student Council, and Principal Panel.
“Figuring out I was a Who’s Who Honoree was exciting, and a great honor to receive,” Tokar said. “I have wanted to be granted this award ever since my freshman year. Extremely grateful and appreciative for this achievement”
After graduation, Tokar will continue his education and soccer career at Trinity University. He will be majoring in Law and minoring in entrepreneurship.
“I’m just extremely grateful for my teachers, friends, classmates, and others that contributed to my high school career along the way,” Tokar said.
Nathan Zimmerman

Who’s Who honoree Nathan Zimmerman is a technician for the Starlight Theater Company, co-president of the Comedy Club, president of the Sci-Fi, a member of the Principal Panel and Fantasy Club, and a Student Mentor/welcomer.
“It feels good, I have had an unfortunate ethos of being in the shadows in terms of what I do around Bowie, so the fact that I can get honored for what I have done is really nice,” Zimmerman said.
After graduation, Zimmerman will continue his education at Austin Community College and study tech theater.
“My favorite memory was when I worked on She Kills Monsters back in Freshman year,” Zimmerman said. “It was the first time I truly fell in love with tech theater.”
Reagan Zuniga

Who’s Who honoree Reagan Zuniga is a member of the National Honor Society, Key Club, Asian American Allies, SOAR, a former Content Editor for the Lone Star Yearbook, and the current Managing and Photo Essay Editor for the Dispatch.
“I’m very honored that I was chosen as a Who’s Who,” Zuniga said. “I was very hesitant to even submit my applications because I thought I didn’t have a very good chance of winning. I’ve had numerous amazing and influential teachers through my years at Bowie, and it feels nice knowing that I left a similar impression on them to think that I’m worthy of this award, especially with a class of over 700 students.”
After graduation, Zuniga will be attending St. Edward’s University and majoring in Communications.
“I would like to thank my journalism teachers, Ms.Shirack and Mr.Reeves,” Zuniga said. “Ms.Shirack taught me basically everything I know about journalism from writing to photography, and even design. Having her as such a passionate and talented mentor in middle school inspired me to further my journalism skills once I got to Bowie. I realized my true passion was photojournalism and designing newspaper spreads and that’s where I started learning under Mr.Reeves. Without Mr.Reeves I wouldn’t be the individual I am today and I’m extremely grateful for the years I got to spend with him as my advisor.”