Christian club gains attention
More than 20 Bowie Students show up to Young Life, which is held on Monday nights every week.
April 4, 2022
Young Life is a Christian club at James Bowie High School where students gather to praise God while having fun.
Bowie Young Life club student leader Micah Rohan recently moved to Austin, but he grew up leading bible studies.
“I’ve actually just recently moved here a few months ago,” Rohan said. “Originally I’m from Houston and grew up in a small Christian private school. I grew up leading bible studies with my high school and middle school, and had never been to a public school where everyone had different backgrounds in faith.”
More than 20 Bowie Students show up to Young Life, which is held on Monday nights every week.
“Young Life has changed my life,” senior Alexandra Easter said. “My leaders are the sweetest, most amazing people I’ve ever met. I would consider my leaders my role models. Young Life has also helped me get to know other Bowie students that I wouldn’t have met otherwise, and these people have become my close friends.”
Club leaders emphasize that Young Life has one goal, which is just for people to love everyone and feel like they belong there.
“Young Life truly has one goal, and that is to love,” Rohan said. “The leaders in Young Life are Christians, and as Christians we are called to love everyone and make this a place where anyone can feel like they belong.”
Young Life leaders profess that the club wasn’t just established for Christians but also for people who want to feel loved.
“Some people are Christians, some people are not,” Rohan said. “This organization was not in any way created exclusively for Christians, but for anyone who wants to feel loved.”
During club meetings, members like to have fun playing games and then get food after the club.
“We play basketball, kickball, volleyball, nine square, bean bag toss and eat free yummy food such as Chickfila, P-Terry’s, and more,” Rohan said.
Young Life has been a thing for a long time and they go around other schools as well, not just Bowie.
“Young Life has been an organization for a while, and has been reaching out in love to many public schools,” Rohan said.
While the club typically only lasts an hour to an hour-and-a-half, students often keep the fun going after.
“After every Young Life club meeting, Bowie kids all together will go to Sonic just to hang out, eat some yummy food and have fun,” Rohan said.
Comparisons can be drawn between Young Life and other fun activities that students participate in.
“Going to camp, having a birthday party, and hanging out with your friends are all similar things,” Rohan said.
Young Life was established in October 1941, and has continued to be a well-known organization for 80 years.
“I started going to Young Life in middle school when one of my older friends invited me, and I’ve been going ever since,” Easter said. “Now, I’m a senior leader, so I have the opportunity to share my experience in Young Life and its impact on my life.”
Freshman club member Myles Epstein says every moment in Young Life is his favorite.
“There’s not one thing that is better than the other,” Epstein said. “Young Life is very positive and stress free. We are always having fun.”