Why Vaccination should be mandatory for school
Audrey Hagan
I think being vaccinated should be required before being allowed to go to school. Being vaccinated is good for the community and poses no harm on your body.
December 10, 2021
I think being vaccinated should be required before being allowed to go to school. Being vaccinated is good for the community and poses no harm on your body.
Other people and most republican leaders do not like the vaccine policies and think they aren’t allowed because of our first amendment, the right of freedom of religion and freedom of expression. I do agree, you can’t force stuff upon people because the government says too but this is a way different situation than what we are normally accustomed to.
They say that the vaccine is dangerous and hasn’t been tested long enough to be safe. The most the vaccine does to you is might give you some sort of cold-like behavior after getting the 2nd shot of the vaccine. Although some people have said that the vaccine causes fertility issues, there is no research to back up those claims. It is a false narrative that young people are immune and safe to covid, we’re not.
In teens and kids, COVID can cause a severe condition called MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome-Children). It can affect multiple organs in the human body and will sometimes cause organ failure, which is life-threatening. While you may still get COVID after you get the vaccine, your body will be more prepared to handle it and will be less threatening to have it. The vaccine also has been proven that they are 95% effective, and COVID deaths and numbers have fallen down tremendously after the vaccine was out for everyone that is 12 and older.
Even if you are a healthy kid and have no health problems, you should still get the vaccine for the people around you. While getting the vaccine still means you have a chance of catching COVID again, the vaccine makes the virus hard to spread which was the big problem of COVID. It was so easily spreadable until now when 53.5% of Texas is vaccinated.
Get the vaccine for loved ones, get it for people that are at high risk and that have to go to school because it is mandatory. Getting the vaccine makes the chances of going into lockdown again much lower because less people will end up getting covid. Studies from the CDC show that you are eight times less likely to get covid with having the vaccine than if you aren’t vaccinated. Being vaccinated has no bad side effects but not being vaccinated does. Schools should make everyone be vaccinated.