The issues with the dress code
Many schools have dress codes implemented that students must follow.
December 6, 2021
Imagine buying a new blouse at the mall and being excited to wear it to school, and as you are walking down the hall feeling confident in that new blouse a teacher stops you and tells you that blouse is out of the dress code. Suddenly a sense of embarrassment and shame consumes you.
You are then given three decisions; You can either put on your own alternative clothing, be provided with temporary school clothing, or in some cases have a parent bring you clothes.
The whole matter of having to find new clothes and then finding a way to acquire the clothes is not only unnecessary but simply a waste of time as well.
On the other hand, I completely understand that in some cases a change of attire is valid. For instance if a student wears a bathing suit to school. This can be viewed as inappropriate attire, and should change into something more appropriate, but if an undergarment like a bra strap is visible the student should not have to change their whole entire outfit and waste time worrying about his/her clothes rather than school, because at the end of the day they are there to learn.
A visible bra strap would and should not interfere with the students or other students’ learning, and if so the student with the visible bra strap is not the problem. The person that is distracted by the visible bra strap would then be the problem, and if that is the case that person should be the one facing consequences.
According to Daily American News, schools fail to abide by the standards of treating boys and girls the same based on the dress code. This may be due to fashionable availability, which in some cases can be out of one’s control therefore they should not be punished for.
In today’s world it is easier for a male to find good clothes that cover everything and can be seen as “modest” than it is for a female because that is not typically what is trending, therefore not being sold in stores.
I believe that a student should only get dress coded if their is hate speech or pornography on their attire or if their private parts are exposed, because any other reasoning would not be valid enough to make someone waste their school day waiting to find a new set of cloths for the day.
Overall dress code has been modified over the years for the better, but we still have a way to go to try and make the school community an accepting place for everyone and should not exclude people or make them feel embarrassed for the attire they choose to wear. It definitely should not make students waste their learning time for reasons as unvalid as non-acceptable attire, because at the end of the day who decides/defines non acceptable attire.