A new season of YOU grasps the attention of fans
You is a thrilling show with murder, tension, passion, and lots of stalking. Season three was questionable when it came to Joe and Love, but still an enjoyable watch.
November 19, 2021
The thrilling saga of You continues, with the release of season three on October 15. Season three continues with Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn moving into a nice, suburban city with their new baby, Henry. As much as I enjoyed the first two seasons of this show, season three definitely has a few flaws that stood out. But before you continue reading this review, spoilers ahead.
Season three kicks off with Joe and Love, and Joe immediately taking interest in their quiet and weird neighbor, Natalie. After Love finds out about a night Joe had with Natalie which did not lead to any sexual activities, she kills Natalie in a fit of rage. All in the first episode.
For Joe and Love, murder is a reoccurring action that they both commit while not feeling any sense of remorse or guilt (most of the time).
When Love kills someone, Joe gets upset, not that she just took someone’s life, but because he knows how much he must do to hide the evidence, clean up, and cry because his wife is so deranged and has clear issues.
When Joe kills someone, it is out of jealousy and obsession, and so he can get what he wants.
Joe and Love’s extremely toxic relationship really stood out in season three, and I was honestly rooting for Love throughout the show because of how mad Joe made me.
All Love wanted was for Joe to love her and not let her child become the only reason he stays with her, but it is hard when the person you are married to gets obsessed over a mysterious woman he finds attractive.
In the end, Love is not able to outsmart Joe, and she ultimate dies after confronting Marienne, Joe’s most recent obsession.
Joe pins all the murders in the town on Love, fakes his death, and moves to Paris in hopes of finding Marienne. I disliked the ending, it felt lazy and I wanted to see Love make it out of the season alive and maybe even show a few episodes through her point of view.
Something repetitive about this show is Joe obsessing over a girl, doing whatever it takes to get her attention and make her love him, and then find someone new when all else fails. In the case of Love, Joe wanted to leave so badly, but couldn’t because of Henry.
Joe moving to Paris in hopes of finding Marienne seemed like the writers couldn’t think of anything else, and that the repetition of Joe being a stalker-murderer will continue for the show. I was honestly hoping for an ending where Joe makes a mistake, and gets caught in all his lies.
While the season had its flaws, it still captured Joe’s unreliable and comedic narrations of his inner thoughts. Something unique about this show is how it shows you what Joe is thinking whenever he is in a situation, and how he views the people and the world around him. The twist is that Joe is essentially a sociopath and an extremely unreliable narrator, so you end up rooting for him because we don’t really know what is going on through other characters’ perspectives.
Despite the fact that You is a show that centers only around Joe, it would’ve been nice to see some episodes through Love’s point of view, seeing how twisted and broken of a character she is.
You also get a lot of backstory on Joe’s character and who he really is. The season contained many flashbacks of him in what seems to be a boys’ home, and how he was left there by his mother. These flashbacks explained a lot, and why Joe seems to have “mommy” issues that stem from him being abandoned from his own mother. These flashbacks also explain why Joe seems to have a savior complex, which stems from him being bullied by the kids in the home, and getting attached to a nurse who “moved away”, but was always there for Joe.
Something I really liked about season three were the residents of Madre Linda. The Conrads, who was the “it” family of the small city and were considered the perfect family, the gay couple next door, the young teenager who was chasing Love, and so many other diverse characters that we got to see through Joe’s perspective.
Sherry Conrad is introduced as the “queen bee” of Madre Linda, running popular mom blogs, feeding into “Missing White Woman Syndrome”, and being an extremely performative activist.
But when Sherry and her husband, Cary, are trapped in Joe’s cage, we really get to see what Sherry went through, and that she is more than just a pretty face. Sherry became one of my favorite characters towards the end, and it made me happy to see her and her husband get a happy husband.
With season four being confirmed, I am excited to see what the producers come up with for the next chapter in Joe’s unpredictable life.