Stu-co president’s declared

The atmosphere screams enthusiasm as Eric Moe’s supporters campaign for his votes. Blaring music blasted from Brandon Gorrie’s speakers and chants filled the air, student council presidential elections were held.

The atmosphere screams enthusiasm as Eric Moe’s supporters campaign for his votes. Blaring music blasted from Brandon Gorrie’s speakers and chants filled the air, student council presidential elections were held.

Rhythmic chants, cheers, and screams along with a booming set of speakers signify a rave-like presence of the presidential elections for student council.

Winners of the class of 2015 presidency are, Powell Hinson and Eric Moe.
With a great amount of gratefulness and preparedness with his recent co-presidency win, junior, Eric Moe expressed his passion for making a difference and being a committed president. Moe spent approximately 40 hours creating campaign posters and used his talent of art to create something unique.

“I would like to be one of Bowie’s friendlier president’s; I don’t believe in the whole “popularity contest” associated with the Stuco presidency and everyone at Bowie should feel like they can approach me if they have questions or concerns about our school,” Moe said. “I hope I can use my artistic skills to design memorable flyers, banners, and invitations all year. My goal for next year (if they let me) is to repaint our school inside and out”.

According to student council adviser, James Ellerbrock, there have only been three other females elected to the student council presidency.

Junior Alisa Hoban ran this year with hopes of being the first girl president in over five years. She had a desire to influence the power of student voice.

“I think I would have made a unique student council president in many ways,” Hoban said. “In addition to student council keeping Bowie beautiful and clean, there should be some kind of part in helping the students of Bowie have a voice in some of the decisions that happen at the place that they spend the majority of their time for four years. Not just make Bowie a better school, but BE a better school. I really believe there should be some kind of ability to help students in another area besides helping Bowie look beautiful.”

Ellerbrock stated that the final decision process of the presidential elections is solely based upon the votes of the student body. With the image of the right president in mind, Ellerbrock gave his ideal leadership qualities behind the presidency.

“The student council president needs to be someone with character, great work ethic, and the ability to lead other student’s because there’s a lot of responsibilities of being a president,” Ellerbrock said. “I expect the president’s to willingly ‘take care’ of issues that I present to them and it is part of what being a president is. They need to be a good person with good character and a work ethic and people who are willing to work hard.”

Many memories were made at the student council elections. Moe shares his top favorite moments.
“My friends put up the giant posters while I was in class, so I didn’t actually see them until I walked into A-hall during a passing period,” Moe said. “People burst into laughter and applause the minute I stepped into the hall. There were so many moments where I was just awed with kindness and enthusiasm Bowie students showed me during the campaign, but that one was amazing. Other notable things that happened: A kid who I didn’t know wrote “Vote Moe” on his chest and walked around the courtyard,  and twenty five fanatical members of Team Moe Moe effectively cheered louder than Brandon Gorrie’s speakers”.