Art by Shruti Patel

As the one year COVID-19 anniversary approaches, teacher Micheal Reeves, reflects on the year.

Teacher: March 13 Reflection

To say that the past 365 days has been awful is a complete understatement. Above and beyond the idea that just going out in public could kill me, there were so many other unbelievable things going on like trying to find toilet paper, wearing stupid masks, and not being able to see any family outside my immediate group.

I have been appalled at the response to this pandemic from so many groups and people it is crazy. I have family members who believe this is all a hoax, and of course multiple friends and neighbors also believe it is either made up, or is as simple as the common cold.

Add in a contentious presidential election, a move from one house to another, teaching for almost an entire year over the computer, and…well, you get it. Perhaps one of the worst years in my half-century of life.

But, the light is at the end of the tunnel. We aren’t out of this yet, but I believe that the end is in sight. Between herd-immunity and ramped up vaccinations, we will get there. I firmly believe that 2021-2022 will be a somewhat normal school year. I will get to see students again, my daughter will get to go play with friends from school at some play place, and maybe, just maybe, I will be able to travel to see family in other states.

One highlight of the past year was spending more time with my little one. So much time…Have you ever hung out 24 hours a day with a 7-year old? It had its moments that is for sure, but honestly, she has been a trooper and we did have a lot of good times. It is amazing how resilient kids are. I know that living through this pandemic will be something she remembers, but I know nothing can stop kids. They will be alright!

I mentioned that we moved in the middle of all of this. We found a little window when things weren’t that bad, and figured out how to make it happen safely. It has been so great to get into a bigger home and to have lots of time to settle in. Heck the garage is still packed with stuff that needs a home. Count us blessed in that regard.

School…what can I say, school has been terrible overall. But let me tell you that I am so proud of my advanced kids in the Dispatch newspaper program. They have been unbelievable. The fact that we are putting out a 16-page newspaper, sending it home, and you cannot tell a difference between previous years and this one, is outstanding. Add in that none of these students are at school, I am so proud of them. My intro classes have been difficult, but I have seen lots of sparks from some students. I know that the program will be fine in the long run as those students join the newspaper. Did I mention that kids are resilient? So are these high school students. They will be alright, too.

I cannot wait for that day when my classroom is full again. When I can take my kid to play at Urban Air. I plan to burn all these masks like some sort of pagan festival when this is all over, I can tell you that. That time is coming. Sooner than later. I am looking forward to a summer adventure at some lake in Minnesota where I can fish and be somewhere besides my own house.

We will all be alright.

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