All American Season 2 tackles difficult teenage issues
All American is a Netflix original that now has a total of two seasons. The show follows the journey of high school students, primarily football players, who battle with addiction, depression, and violence. Dispatch Reporter Callie Payne believes the show does an incredible job showcasing the true struggles of the teens as well as how they cope with and overcome their own challenges.
May 22, 2020
Just a few weeks ago, the second season of All American came out on Netflix. The sports genre television series has created a buzz amongst social media users. The new season of this show covered many serious topics, including depression, death, violence, and addiction.
Last season ended with Leila’s meltdown and Spencer’s dad allowing Spencer to play at South Crenshaw for him. The second season starts with Spencer contemplating his important decision. The plot becomes more complex as the drama becomes more intense. The producers were able to tie in challenging topics and scenes in a way that made you want to watch more. They also made sure to include light moments as well to add balance in contrast to the darker themes of the show.
I also thought the show did an excellent job of adding to the development of their characters this season. I especially liked the way they portrayed Coop when she was pursuing her rap career while having to deal with the dangerous threat of Tyrone. It was interesting to see how they were able to tie Layla into Coop’s rap career as well. I think Layla was one of the most fascinating characters this season, which was surprising because I did not like her character during the first season.
One of my favorite things about this show is how they never fail to include real problems that teenagers sometimes have to endure. Finding out Layla has depression was a big shock since she came off as perfect in the first season. Knowing this about Layla sends a message to teenagers that even if someone seems perfect on the outside, they could still be struggling. Portraying the theme that nobody is perfect no matter how much money they have or how beautiful they are is an important message, especially for teenagers growing up with social media.
Overall, I was so in love with the season I ended up finishing it in two days. I was impressed by the first episode to the last, and I hope the next season will be just as good.