Silver Stars trip to L.A. cancelled due to Coronavirus precautions
Sophomore Arushi Sharma cleans her hands with hand sanitizer as a precaution to COVID-19, Coronavirus. Principal Mark Robinson has been reminding students to wash their hands over the morning announcements.
March 11, 2020
Austin Independent School District (AISD) released an announcement in the morning of Wednesday, March 10 stating that it will be suspending all domestic travel to states in which COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has been declared a public health emergency.
States in which district-sponsored trips were cancelled include California, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, Oregon, Washington and Utah, according to the AISD announcement. The Silver Stars dance group was planning a trip to Los Angeles and were scheduled to leave Thursday, March 12. The announcement meant that trip has been cancelled.
“We’re all very disappointed, I think that is first and foremost,” Principal Mark Robinson said. “These trips getting cancelled were things that people were looking forward to. Travel and learning experience outside of the classroom is good for everybody, even the adults. That being said, I think that we are all very much aware that this is a dynamic situation and officials continue to say things like ‘avoid crowds and long trips.’”
The Silver Stars were planning to go to Disneyland for two days, Universal Studios Hollywood for one day as well as attend classes at well-known, famous dance studios that are relatively prestigious, according to junior Abbie Brien.
“I understand why it’s being cancelled, but it’s annoying cause they told us less than two days in advance,” sophomore Avery Andrade. “That’s just really annoying because we were all super excited about it. The L.A. trip getting cancelled affects a ton of other people’s Spring Break, including mine, because I was supposed to fly from L.A. to London, but now I have to switch my flights.”
The Silver Stars had been counting down the days until their trip for multiple weeks and had recently received shirts specifically designed for their trip to Disneyland. The majority of the girls had already begun packing for their trip.
“Obviously I’m upset and disappointed, I was really looking forward to going on a dream trip with all my friends and taking classes from places I’ve seen on social media and wouldn’t have the opportunity to attend otherwise,” Brien said. “However, I also understand safety concerns. AISD wouldn’t be responsible and doing their job if they didn’t take safety measures, so logically it makes sense; it’s just extremely disappointing.”
Brien said that junior Silver Stars are the most disappointed, because they will not have the chance to go on a school dance trip for the rest of their time in high school. The Silver Stars arrange a trip every other year; the current seniors went to Hawaii during their sophomore year and the current Silver Star sophomores will have another chance to go on a trip their senior year.
“I am going to try and see the positive side in this situation and I know other Silver Stars will too because being upset with the district or school will get us nowhere,” Brien said. “Things happen like this in life, and it kind of prepares us for that. Everyone has been trying to keep us safe and protect us, so hopefully all Silver Stars will understand that this is coming from a place of love and support.”
Additional reporting by Cade Spencer, Arushi Sharma, and Sammie Thompson.
*The story will be updated by Dispatch staff as more information is available.