COWS wanted for grazing processors

What are COWS? Oh, those tiny computers stored in black jail cells waiting for someone to power them on to their natural state. Well, these junky machines don’t even serve as computers but more like a nuisance.
Even the look of the metal cages in a classroom makes a student cringe. Pulling out the computer assigned to the student’s number is like looking boredom in the face.

There are more problems than one can count with the COWS. The slow processors are always causing constant problems and issues that can’t be fixed easily. An assignment due in class on the computers is a nightmare to complete because of how frustrating the little computers are.

The COWS should go back to their pasture and leave students alone.

What kind of a name is a COW anyway? What is so appealing about the name COW and from the moment you hear the title it sounds slow and unattractive.

I don’t know if it’s the name that throws everyone off or the appearance but either way the mooing computers are just too painfully slow. The COWS transmit just as much as if you are trying to yell in the ears of an elderly person and they still can’t understand what you are saying.

Why couldn’t the district have spent a few more dollars in purchasing something a little more, shall we say, reliable?  An iPad would be much more practical and students would have even more possibilities with the touchscreen.  Even a minor upgrade would be fantastic. All that money wasted because now students are left with a bunch of computers that are too slow to do anything or even complete a simple task like clicking the Firefox icon and opening up the web.
I’m sure at first sight the COWS seemed nice back in the day when they were brand new, but let’s face it, these cheap mini laptops are not meant to last very long.

I just hope that some day there will be an upgrade or at least an expenditure on something more useful to the student body, like an upgrade in the bathrooms.