Suicide prevention on campus

As suicide prevention month has just passed, it is important to understand ways Bowie can help. Art by Shruti Patel
October 2, 2019
To some, the bright blue posters stapled to every teacher’s door and around every corner, you turn, are just a piece of paper, but to the person next to you, a lifesaver. September is Suicide Prevention Month, something that you’ve probably heard on the announcements or maybe one of your teachers brought it up.
“All adults at Bowie take suicide prevention seriously. We here in the Counseling Office are committed to supporting students when they are feeling distraught and hopeless,” Bowie Counselor Laura Loza said. “We all have periods where we feel overwhelmed in life, but it’s important to reach out for help and support,”
The blue posters are promoting you to check in on your friends, with yourself, and gives you a phone number to a crisis line.
“If you are concerned about a friend or loved one, tell a school counselor or trusted adult immediately,” Loza said. We shouldn’t be afraid to ask people if they are thinking about hurting themselves. Asking people if they are suicidal doesn’t increase the likelihood that they will try and hurt themselves; in fact, research shows it actually helps prevent it.”
Help take care of our Bowie family and your loved ones by asking questions and talking to them about mental health. Encourage them to talk to one of the Bowie counselors, Kim Libby, Liana Cox, Laura Loza, Heather Gallier, Kim Gilbert, and Clare Smith or check for other mental health resources. In 2017, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death and there were an estimated 1,400,000 suicide attempts. Help spread the word this month about suicide and how to prevent it along with the rest of the Bowie community!
Crisis Text Line Text SUPPORT to 741-741
Depression and Suicide Call 866-488-7386
Dating Abuse & Domestic Violence Call 1-866-331-9474
Child Abuse Call 1-800-422-4453