Tristan Howell
My name is Tristan Howell, and I plan on attending Austin Community College. I don’t have a planed major so I am using ACC to and complete my required core classes while I search for my one.
Coronavirus hasn’t affected me too harshly since I love staying at home and doing things online, and my family has enough financial stability that we can hunker down in our homes. During quarantine I have been thankful to be able to enjoy some of my favorite activities more often, as well as having more availability from friends online. I do feel bad for my friends who don’t like not being able to leave the house and are getting really anxious waiting for the opportunity to get out of the house again. It also worries me that lifting the stay at home order will cause harm to my friends’ as well as my own at-risk family members. I hope that through our combined effort we can keep everyone safe as quarantine starts getting lifted, and people start moving back to their daily lives.
I will miss Bowie High School and every student and teacher I met along the way. I am wishing all my underclassmen good luck, and academic wellness when resuming regular high school activities next year.