Natalie Meyer
Natalie Meyer
I will be attending Texas State University
I will be majoring in Biology
If I could go back to myself 4 years ago I would tell myself simply to be myself, try new things, adventure out. My 4 years at Bowie High School I have made many new friends, and learned many things through hard times and easy A’s! I would tell my freshman self to not be scared of others to join new opportunities given to me, I would tell little me to push myself and to reach my dreams, to not give up so easily on them.
I would tell little me that hardships will come along during my 4 years at Bowie but they are all learning experiences. I would advise them to be smart about the decisions they make, make friends, have fun throughout the years with everyone. To not hold back and to live life to the fullest. My time at Bowie has been amazing though and I wouldn’t change it for anything as I have learned so much from my experience there!
Thank you to all the amazing teachers who helped me get to where I am today!