It’s surreal that I am sitting here writing this letter and preparing to graduate. When I first signed up to take the Digital Media class, I never imagined that this program would become as close to my heart as it did. I cannot emphasize enough how incredible this program is, these people are, and the way that my time in the Dispatch has shaped who I am. This program has provided me with the most amazing memories of the past four years and prepared me for my future at Stephen F. Austin State University, where I will be majoring in Media and Communications, with a specialization in Broadcast Journalism.
I have been incredibly lucky to have had so many remarkable, dedicated, and passionate teachers throughout my time at Bowie. I would not be the person I am today without their guidance and knowledge. A few that I would like to specifically thank are: Ms. Stiles, Mr. Pfeiffer, and Mr. Pool. You all are without a doubt some of the greatest teachers I’ve ever had. Your teaching made me excited to come to class each day and excited to continue learning. I’d also like to give a special thank you to my coaches: Coach Smith and Coach Tran. I cannot express how much you both have helped me this year. Not only did you lead the Bowie Cheer team to success this season, you have further fostered my love for cheerleading and provided me with the opportunity to grow in my leadership. I am so grateful to have spent my last year of high-school being coached by the both of you.
Reeves, I cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. You are undoubtedly the greatest teacher I have ever had. Your passion for your career and your support for your students is what makes this program so great. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn, grow, and lead under your tutelage and guidance. Thank you for your trust in me this year and for instilling me with the confidence to become a strong journalist, person, and leader. I cannot wait to see how excellent the paper is next year.
Mazzy, I am constantly in awe of and inspired by your greatness. I could not ask for a better co-Editor-in-Chief to have spent this year with. All the hours spent in Reeves room, Starbucks, and the janky closet have brought us so much closer, and I am so grateful to have gotten to know you. We may be polar opposites, but we are also somehow the exact same person. In just a year we have adopted the same vocabulary… and even the same thoughts. I have always trusted your judgment, ideas, and opinions, and am so grateful for your trust in mine. I have learned greatly from you and hope you know how much I look up to you. Being the Editor-in-Chief of such a successful program is not easy, but when I look back at the things I faced this year, I cherish the fact that I never had to go through it alone. You have become my other half and I would not have survived this year without you. Thank you SO much for always being someone I could confide in, debrief with, and make the stupidest jokes with. I don’t know how I’m possibly going to do this journalism thing without you- I will definitely be making a visit to UT to see you. I will always take the floor while you take the chairs. I’m still not entirely sure which one of us is the good cop or the bad cop, but either way, thank you for being my partner-in-crime this year.
Sophia, you have undoubtedly been one of my greatest friends to date, and my rock throughout my time on staff. You are so funny, kind, and unbelievably talented. Thank you for always being there to interview people for me, help me with a transition, talk about anything under the sun, and even pass out with. You inspire me everyday to be a better person and friend, and I am so proud of the leadership you have shown this year. I will miss you greatly and cannot wait to see what all you’ll achieve.
To the print leadership team: You all are some of the most hard-working, genuine, and incredible people I will ever meet. I cannot thank each and everyone of you enough for your diligence and commitment to this paper.
Charlotte: You bring so much light to this program. You have stepped up so much this year, and this paper would not happen without you. Thank you for all the behind-the-scenes work you did that went unnoticed. You have such a natural eye for good journalism and leadership. I hope you know how much I appreciate you and recognize your hard-work.
Emme: Your constant drive for improvement is so inspiring. You are one of the most diligent and dedicated people I’ve ever met and I am so proud of the growth you have exhibited this year. You are an amazing friend and I am so grateful to have gotten to know you. I can’t wait to hear all your absolutely WILD stories from college.
Asher: You are like the haven amidst the chaos of our leadership team. While the rest of us spend our time in class deciding which foods/dogs/stores we would be, or ranting about whatever made us angry that day, you sit there grinding away at your work. You are so vital to this program and have come in clutch on so many deadline weeks with a last minute piece of art. You are one the most talented people I’ve ever had the opportunity to know and have so many incredible things coming your way.
To the online leadership team: The three of you are so unbelievably great at what you do. You have brought this program to new heights and allowed for future students to explore a whole new side of journalism. Thank you for including us print people in your House of Torment adventures and being such cool people to work alongside.
To the entire Dispatch staff: I am so eternally grateful to have been able to work amongst all of you. You all are exceptional journalists, students, and most importantly, people. I am so, so, so proud of how far you all have come this year and I have full faith that you all will continue to allow this program to flourish in the coming years. Thank you for making this such an amazing year.