As a kid writing was something that always felt natural to me, it was my first creative outlet to let my emotions and ideas run free. During my sophomore year, I joined Journalism 1 which would forever change my life trajectory. Next year I am excited to announce that I will be attending Arizona State, majoring in Business Communications! This has been a long journey with ups and downs along the way, but I wouldn’t want it any different.
To my Dad: Thank you for helping me start this journey. I still remember the early morning Saturday Starbucks runs with our old-fashioned donuts and you teaching me “who, what, when, where, why, and how.” I wish you were able to read my stories but I know you are proud.
To my family: Thank you for supporting me throughout my journalism career. You guys always have read my stories and always are my biggest critiques! I love yall and hope my little siblings hopefully follow through my journalistic footsteps.
To Mr. Reeves: Even though me and you didn’t get along every time, we found ways to work and you have made me into a great writer. I thank you for always having the sports teams back and letting me write the stories I’d like to write.